This Moment

September 22 1998
Time: 4:45 p.m.

What Happened: well, school. I desperately tried to find the things I lost from my bag the other day: my wallet (with 900 baht - about 22 dollars - that's a lot man), my planner, my sky blue diskette, my contact lens case and lubricant, and my Star of David necklace. Most of the stuff is easily replaced, but the diskette had the entire Health and Science section of The Risian and the necklace was a gift from my great aunt. I'm depressed. 

What I'm Wearing: my school uniform: navy trousers (I prefer them over the plaid culottes), blouse, senior pin, my glasses, and Tommy Girl.

What's Playing: "Interstate Love Song" by the Stone Temple Pilots. It's one of the many MP3's Somchart put together on a CD as a present. Oh, now it's "Landslide" by Smashing Pumpkins. I'm crazy about those guys.

What's Running: Microsoft FrontPage98 (writing this page), Paint Shop Pro 5 (changing from the cursive font to BD Negative), Winamp 1.91 (playing music).

What's In My Head: how much I'm going to miss Somchart, my 85-minute presentation on personality theories on October 6, 16 more journal entries to be done by October 7, and my Consumer Math midterm exam on October 5. I swear I'll wake up grey-haired soon. I already saw one or two.

What Else: I'm absolutely overwhelmed. I have yet to do something about the school Writing Center, my forensics pieces (solo acting, oral interpretation, and original oratory), and my choir director may or may not be ticked off at me not showing up for rehearsal today.

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